#gratitude list
creatingnikki · 2 years
twenty-six things I’m grateful for at twenty-six 
growing up. the feelings of helplessness and frustration slowly washing away as you gain access to money and information. 
strawberry cream cakes, strawberry cheesecakes, strawberry chocolate brownie cakes, strawberries. 
a good night’s sleep. sleep that is 7+ hours, sleep that is not disturbed or day time sleep. but sleep at the “normal” night hours, sleep that is deep and restful. 
book readers who annotate their books and write the year/place of when they were reading it on the first page because when I come across second-hand books like that my heart.
fleeting intimacies. those brief, beautiful conversations and moments you share with strangers that you will never meet again. at a café, at the airport, at the open mic night. connections that are purely happenstance and a time being in your life. the beginning is the ending. but it doesn’t matter. they add something, if not to your life, but to your energy. even if you can’t trace it. 
the concept of crying. the release, the relief. if I didn’t have this, if I didn’t have this way of letting out my disappointment, overwhelmingness, tiredness, frustration, sadness, and pain, what would I do? what would I even do. 
dog/cat/pet owners who understand that just because they love their pet not everyone has to and some people are genuinely afraid and not horrible human beings for not going awww but uhhh when they see their pet.
translators, more specifically book translators. thank you so much for all your effort into making sure I can enjoy such beautiful literature from other cultures and languages. 
people who realize they were wrong about a certain perspective or life philosophy or stance and then course correct and acknowledge the same.
credit cards and essentially having quick access to credit in times of absolute need (fine line between hating cc and capitalism and using it to your advantage, I know). 
people who introduce me to new imagery which sounds so simple but hits my brain like the freshest of oxygen like my father saying my mother’s face began to glow like the moon when she smiled or a tumblr writer saying something makes their heart beam. 
earrings. long earrings that dangle against my neck and make me feel grown up, sometimes graceful, sometimes sensual. other types of earrings too. jhumkas. hoops. 
sunflowers. filler flowers. flower shops that keep newspaper to wrap flowers in. people who show up to my apartment with flowers. 
emails. I like that emails can be that perfect distance in communication but also so very efficient. they don’t demand instant replies like instant messaging. functional and timely. emails at work that exist in place of long meetings and emails from friends and lovers. my inbox feels like a mix of a treasure chest of precious words and an arcade of advertisements. 
older women who look at me not as competition but with this sentiment of wanting to protect/guide me, with this feeling of fondness, words of advice that aren’t patronizing but so very well meaning. 
good-quality, well-researched, engaging articles/blogs. blogs full of facts and figures that put things into perspective. blogs written in a witty and humorous tone that feel like you’re having a conversation with someone smart and warm. 
my family. my friends. for loving me even when I am difficult. even when I am bratty. for understanding the subtext of my words and actions. for accepting me even when I don’t accept myself. for reminding me of who I am when I can no longer understand the concept of self. thank you. 
clothing brands that have sizes bigger than large. clothing brands that have beautiful clothes and designs for sizes other than xxxxxxs. 
people who know how to make important days about you like your birthday and your first day at work and your heartbreak date idk. just people who aren’t so dense and don’t know what their energy/focus needs to be at what time when with others. 
glitter. glittery eyeshadow. glittery phone covers. glittery everything. all that glitters may not be gold but it does something to my brain and I love it. 
people who can help me let loose. goofy and silly and light doesn’t come naturally to me. my disposition is pensive, internally. even though externally I may seem so exuberant.  
context. the context behind a painting at an art gallery. context behind a meme. nothing is anything without context. so people who give you context, content that gives you context. 
selfies. give me a sense of control over capturing myself and my moments because with someone else behind the camera I am as awkward as awkward can get. 
the moon. stars. the sky. faraway things that are more complicated than just pretty things that make me calm. that make my mind calm. that make my heart feel less lonely. 
space. physical space, emotional availability, mental headspace. in me and in others. required but rare. 
all my past selves, all my younger selves for being. thank you for your wholesomeness, thank you for your resilience, thank you for your pureness, thank you for your decisions, thank you for your hope, thank you for your hard work, thank you for your crazy, your messy, your real, your beautiful. thank you for it all.
today is my twenty-sixth birthday and I wanted to take a bit to list down everything that makes my life lighter. there’s much more but now it’s time to go eat cake and click blurry, happy selfies. 
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labelleizzy · 6 months
Springtime Gratitude 🙏🏻 post:
1) a safe home and car
2) a loving spouse
3) delicious food and a great grocery store for supplies to make it
4) spare $ enough for my trainer, and coming up next week, touch ups for my 🐢 tattoo
5) words. Reading them, smithing them, using them for connecting and comfort.
6) my anxiety is barely a thing these days, a ginormous relief. Taking some risks to have adventures!
7) gardening and springtime and flowers and sprouts (but not stickerbush weeds!)
8) the time and energy to care for my medical foo, mind and body, and the fact that stuff is going well at the moment
9) my family. My fremily as well.
10) fresh citrus and fizzy water on demand
11) the existence of raspberries and strawberries
12.) Tribble, asleep on my lap.
13.) you, if you're reading this.
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mzzmarie · 3 months
Waking up sober and healthy again. Banana and honey on toast. Fresh Hot lava coffee with a little milk. Meditating. Chanting Om Gam Ganapateye Namaha 108 times. Listening to friends talk about positive changes in their lives. A morning walk with my old dog’s dad. Talking things through with my love and reaching a decision to have faith and trust that whatever is supposed to be will be. Somatic exercises. Meditating again. An afternoon walk with my dog’s dad and my love. Cooking and eating fish and rice. Drinking lots of hot lava coffee. Drinking lots of water too. Reading The Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak uninterrupted for one hour. Practicing Farsi for half an hour. Reflecting on positive changes in my life. A gentle shower whilst listening to affirmations. Hot chocolate and a movie with my love. Going to bed sober and healthy again.
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sleeppywitch · 9 months
I’m grateful for my warm bed and blankets.
I’m grateful to have heat for the house.
I’m grateful for electricity.
I’m grateful to have food and drinks I like on hand.
I’m grateful to have a healthy body that lets me explore.
I’m grateful for good friends and family.
Im grateful for winter weather so that I may experience all this season has to offer.
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its-allgoodbabybaby · 5 months
5/2 Gratitude List
1. i stood up for myself and now i don’t have to pay for my car seat cleaning
2. the end of the work week is near. which means a trip to death valley super blooms are just around the corner.
3. my cat chose a easy spot to clean up her accident
4. meditation has brought good luck this week
5. the sweet elderly lady who lives down the street and shows me her turtle
6. having my basic needs met. that’s so much more than a lot of the world can say
7. i’m safe and my loved ones are safe right now. which is also more than a lot of the world can say
8. being employed and everyone at work being nice to me
9. my moms been talking about my grandma. i know she misses her and i love learning new things about her.
10. i’m grateful for the time i spent with tomas and that i can remember him.
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sproutedlavender · 6 months
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Hey everyone! just creating a Mind Body and Spirit Wellness Bundle you can download for free on my blog.
(Get your pen out cuz we're manifesting our dreams lives with this one)
Hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think 🥰
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inkiloa · 1 year
Manifestation Masterlist
🔮 🎐 🪩 🪻 🦩 🧊 ☂️ 💎 🧿 💟
This is a place where I'll put all my manifestations. since I tend to reblog a lot of different posts, I'm scared I'll end up losing my own (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)
※ My desired self (appearance)
↳ moodboard
↳ GOAL → moodboard
※ My askfirmations
↳ pt. 1
※ My affirmations
↳ pt. 1 (fame, job, inspiration, content making)
※ Dream Magic
↳ 04.11.23
※ to do
※ Scripting Desired Life
※ success story I
※ Gratitude #1
※ Mail to the universe #1
※ Mail to the universe #2
※ Mail to the universe #3
※ Mail to the universe #4
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nurse-buckley · 1 year
Gratitude list from today -
Made a horse friend who came over and nuzzled my hand.
Had a nice afternoon with my family for my mums birthday.
I made an amazing Victoria sponge cake with fresh cream and strawberries.
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devinsturk · 1 year
Blue raspberry soda. Flapping my hands when I’m happy. Best friends. Pen pal letters. Being shirtless on the beach and feeling the wind on my chest. Outer space. Street art. Roasting marshmallows. Spotting Mount Tahoma from the window of an airplane...
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daughterearth · 2 years
🧿🪬. Okay but i have this really bad habit of thinking about the worst outcomes but lemme list out what is good about my life rn and what good things happen to me continuously
*i have a healthy body
*I'm managing my anxiety well.
*i am graduating with a very good degree
*i read and can converse about things I'm really passionate about.
*all negative people get taken out and only people with good intentions are in my circle.
*i have no man in my life bringing me down.
*i have an amazing home.
*i always get gifted with amazing products and almost everything i wishlist in my mind gets to me in two-three months time.
*i practice yoga and meditation regularly.
*i literally have a good closet rn.
*i have relatives who i love and look upto in extremely good postions and in top 10% of the world. If they can do it i can do it too.
*i have good online radfem and women community.
*I'm learning how to sew and dance.
*i healed from ed and am working on furthering my knowledge so it might help others too.
*i have complete freedom to be anything i wish to.
*i can be single and well off. I have such women around my parent's community.
*my muma and papa are seeking help for their own issues.
*i have more speaking opportunities coming my way and i get recognised for it again and again.
*i am forgiving and moving ahead every moment. I'm unlearning shame.
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I’m in an awfully dark place rn and I know it’ll pass but it still sucks so I’m making a gratitude list to cheer me up and every time I think of more I’ll reblog and add.
My soft comfy bed
My weighted blanket
My stuffies
My 2 adorable cats
My roommate who helps out when she’s home
My friends - I enjoy their company as is but they insist on helping because that’s what friends do and I truly can’t thank them enough, I’d give them the world if I could
My phone - sounds silly but helps me stay connected to people and distracted from the horrors
My parents - they don’t agree with my trans-ness but I wouldn’t be able to get through this without their help
My grandfather - same deal with him (but I came out to him recently and he said “whatever makes you happy” 🥹)
Running water, plumbing, electricity, a roof over my head
Books - especially e-books bc it’s easier to read on my phone on my side than to read a physical copy on my back
My meds, both psychiatric and pain relievers
My moots - ily and I always light up when I see y’all in my notifications
To be continued, I’m nodding off rn
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Things that i feel grateful about today!
- Listen and enjoyed a bunch of songs
- Cleaned my room listening to In Bloom by Nirvana
- Listened to this lovely EP by Gracie Abrams and really liked it
- Watched three episodes of the first season of Heartstopper
- Talked to my confusing male friend JP.
- I love my clean and organized minimalist room
- The presence of my cat right beside me in the sofa
- Playing in my ipad and looking things up to watch while listening to music
- Worked out today girls
- Downloading tumblr and sharing my silly little thoughts
- I have Netflix again OHHHH
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its-allgoodbabybaby · 5 months
4/30 gratitude list
1. i had time to meditate this morning.
2. because i’m not unemployed i can be picky and anxiety free while job hunting.
3. it’s been a calm morning.
4. mushroom matcha
5. therapy is today.
6. i have choices in every area of my life.
7. i can’t finally eat PB honey toast without pain
8. i have clean water to drink
9. i get to talk to my moms every day.
10. it’s gonna be warmer today
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3chinchillaboys · 4 months
Things I enjoyed today (well technically yesterday, since it’s 12:22 am)
1. Taking my dog for a walk on a beautiful blue sky evening.
2. Little chins toes. And watching them eat their hay.
3. Driving my new truck. Still rocking the ttpd album. 🤍
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sadgurlsposts · 6 months
Hmm, things I'm grateful for today:
Going to bed sober :)
Got to spend some time with my God daughter and nephew.
Woke up to a $3000 bursary. Yay.
The vice provost office approached me and would like to nominate me for the post secondary student council - at a provincial level bc of my leadership with the ISU
Had the energy to write emails, following up with ppl and events, as well as do some step work.
Washed my dishes and hung up some laundry
New ribbon skirt, also the lady who runs the store downstairs from me said I was part of her community
A friend offered their backyard space for me to garden in
Koshka, my cat, enjoys her new toy. I've never seen her so energetic lol
I'm healthy even though I may be getting allergies, I have energy and resources to take care of myself
I did my daily reprieve this morning despite being restless. I slowed down and spent time with my creator.
My boyfriend is so cute and supportive, creating a safe place for us to talk freely and mindfully. I've never had that before with a partner.
I had the courage to reach out to my bio paternal uncles and aunty to rally funds together to get my dad a headstone. Even though it brought up some emotion. I gave myself some space to grieve and process it.
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livelikealucid · 9 months
Sitting in my cubicle wondering where my life will go from here. Really hope me and A can move in together this summer. It would make me so happy. Actually feeling comfortable in PA. Might go to rivals tonite! Really funny thing happened with a person but it's actually gonna kill part of a bad habit so that's good. Rambling. Luv using Tumblr as my journal. Anyways,
Fav things this month:
my new hello kitty cup
seeing kyah
talking shit
coming up with melodies at 4am and rushing to record them
my mom's vegetarian meals
not vaping
Diet Coke as always
strawberry apricot red bull
my new lightbulbs
going to bed early
Goals for next month
book us some gigs
write more songs
record and go live
commit to my TikTok series
workout consistency
yoga and meditation
K that's it bye !!
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